Solix Biofuels Inc.

Solix Biofuels, Inc.

Solix BiofuelsTM is the leader in production technology to cultivate algae for the production of biofuels, chemicals and other valuable products.

Solix Biofuels is the sole supplier of the AGSTM Technology—a controlled environment for cultivating oil-rich microalgae that is used for the production of biocrude, green diesel, biojet, biodiesel, methane, chemical intermediates, feed and other important products.

Solix’s AGS enables high productivity growth of microalgae with reduced risk of production failures. Solix Biofuels AGS technology is designed to be cost competitive, scalable and does not require food crop land. It provides a beneficial use for carbon as the algae need CO2 to grow. The Company intends to commercialize its AGS on a large-scale through partnerships with entities seeking to mitigate CO2 emissions, generate biofuels and algae-derived products and become part of the new energy era.

Solix Biofuels’ team of highly skilled energy industry professionals includes personnel with expertise in advanced biology, engineering, process integration and controls engineering. At Solix, our team is building a commercially viable alternative to petroleum based fuels and chemicals.


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