Algae Competition

Objectives: Create an open source collaboratory that expands and shares a vision for algae in our future with design ideas for algae production landscapes, sustainable algae production systems for food, medicines, feed, energy, nutrients, water remediation, carbon capture, and superb new algae foods.

The Algae Competition is open to everyone, anywhere in the world: algae enthusiasts, architects, builders, designers, scientists, entrepreneurs, growers, food developers, cooks, students and teams.

Registration opens January 11, closes September 11, 2011. All contestants must register. Submission opens February 11, closes October 11, 2011. Entries will be judged by distinguished panels of international jurors. Finalists will be announced February 12, 2012.

As an open source competition, entries will be showcased online. Over $10,000 in cash prizes will be awarded to winners. Finalists will receive international media recognition and will be included in books, publications and exhibitions to be held around the world in 2012.


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