Texas A&M cultivates algae app

So, now there’s even an app for planning your algae oil production.

The Agricultural and Food Policy Center at Texas A&M has a free “Algae Production Conversion Calculator” to help with producing algae crops. The app is free via the iTunes app store. There is also a Web-based version that can be used on Android and other devices.

The app converts between grams per liter and grams per square meter. It also calculates the annual algae oil production possible for a given farm or site based on data that includes pond volume per acre feet, microalgae oil content, growth rate, and pond depth. The result is given in both a volumetric measure in algae oil gallon per acre-foot of water and an aerial measure algae oil gallon per surface acre.

Texas A&M also has a support page for app users.

The app seems to have had a soft launch in December 2010, according to its iTunes app statistics. However, the app was just endorsed by the nonprofit Algal Biomass Organization in its June 1 newsletter. The app is also currently featured on Texas A&M’s Agricultural and Food Policy Center homepage.

Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-20068245-54/texas-a-m-cultivates-algae-app/


ALGAENERGY, founded in 2007, is a technological company working in the microalgae biotechnology sector. It has been promoted and is managed by a group of entrepreneurs and scientists with solid financial backing and extensive experience in this field.

Two world leaders in renewable energy and (bio)fuels, and are shareholders and technology partners in ALGAENERGY.

Professor Miguel García Guerrero is the lead scientist advisor and a member of the Board of the Company. He is Professor of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Seville. As one of the few specialists in the biotechnology of photosynthetic microorganisms in the world, he currently leads the ”Biotechnology of Photosynthetic Microorganisms” group at the Instituto de Bioquímica Vegetal y Fotosíntesis (a joint venture between the University of Seville and the Spanish National Research Council –CSIC-).

With substantial R&D programmes costing millions of Euros, financed by both public and in-house funding, ALGAENERGY is linked to some of the most recognised international microalgae research centres. ALGAENERGY’s mission also includes the exploitation of the enormous talent and ability available in Spain within this area of science and expertise.

ALGAENERGY is confident that the products and technologies that it aims to discover will improve wellbeing and bring progress to various regions of the world, preserving the environment, nature and life on our planet.

Source: http://www.algaenergy.es/Marco_Principal.aspx?Idioma_id=2

EABA – European Algae Biomass Association

Algae and aquatic biomass have the potential to contribute to outstanding progresses towards a world-wide sustainable and low impact economy in developing a new range of third generation applications as bioenergy, biofuels (including jet fuels), animal feeding-stuff, all sort of bio-based products (such as bio-plastics, bio-cosmetics, bio-solvents, etc.) and also human nutrition.

Their high oil and biomass yields, widespread availability, absent (or very reduced) competition with agricultural land, high quality and versatility of the by-products, high protein content, their efficient use as a mean to capture CO2 and their suitability for wastewater treatments and other industrial plants make algae and aquatic biomass one of the most promising and attractive renewable sources for a fully sustainable and low-carbon economy portfolio.

Source: http://www.solutionrecovery.com/algae/

Classify & Monitor Algal Growth with FlowCAM Auto-Imaging System

Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc. was founded in 1999 as a spinoff from Bigelow Laboratory for Oceanographic Sciences in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, and has grown every year since. The company’s business thrust is best stated by our mission statement:

Fluid Imaging Technologies Mission Statement:

Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc. will provide innovative imaging-based particle analysis products and services on a global scale with a world-class commitment to customer service, quality and value.

Fluid Imaging Headquarters in Yarmouth, ME.

Since our founding, we have been the world-leader in particle analysis instrumentation based upon digital imaging technology. Our flagship product, FlowCAM®, was the first imaging particle analyzer on the market, and continues to lead the way in hardware innovations. Our particle analysis software, VisualSpreadsheet©, was the first particle analysis software to use sophisticated statistical pattern  recognition algorithms for automatically characterizing different particle types in a heterogeneous solution.

In April of 2007, we outgrew our original offices in Edgecomb, ME and moved to our current location in Yarmouth, ME. Located just 20 minutes from Downtown Portland (Maine’s largest city) and the airport, the current location houses our entire production, laboratory and office spaces.

Source: http://www.fluidimaging.com/about-us-overview.htm