BioProcess Algae LLC

BioProcess Algae, LLC designs, builds, and operates commercial scale bioreactors that enable efficient conversion of light and CO2 into high value microbial biomass.

BioProcess Algae LLC is focused on fulfilling needs in the transportation fuels and animal feed industries for cost competitive alternatives with favorable carbon balances. BioProcess Algae LLC is based in Portsmouth, RI and is currently running a demonstration plant at the Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. ethanol plant in Shenandoah, Iowa. Grower Harvester™ bioreactors installed in Shenandoah are tied directly into the plant’s CO2 exhaust gas and have been operating continuously since inoculation in October 2009.

BioProcess Algae LLC is a joint venture between Clarcor (NYSE: CLC), BioProcessH2O LLC, Green Plains Renewable Energy, Inc. (NASDQ: GPRE), and NTR plc.


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