– Shop with Algae Products from Thalgo

The Online Shop has some products made out of algae from “Thalgo”

Something you should know about Thalgo:

Since 1968, Thalgo has dedicated itself to cosmetic research and formulations based on marine algae and has succeeded in creating some of the finest, award-winning skin care products available. Thalgo products are based on the concept of Thalassotherapy, that is using sea water and substances derived from the sea to heal the body. Thalgo – effective, safe treatment products with exceptional tolerance, exceptional results. Mastery of marine ingredients has placed Thalgo at the forefront of skin therapy.



Optimum Choices – Offering Healthy Choices for People and Pets

Optimum Choices is a trusted (founded 2002) resource for people and pets offering valuable holistic health information. They are offering many products based on algae such asbio algae concentrates. Bio-algae concentrates (BAC) is a generic name used by Dr. Michael Kiriac to denote any blend of nurtured algae (such as blue-green algae, Spirulina, chlorella, etc.). Dr. Kiriac researched over 1,000 different algae and actually used over 65 algae species in many different bio-algae concentrates (BAC), in over 25 years of animal research in the former Soviet Union. Dr. Kiriac experimented on over 20 different species of animals trying to address cancer in animals. Dr. Kiriac finally invented a specific bio-algae concentrate,pigs dead from cancer containing the four microalgae Spirulina pacifica, Spirulina platensis, Dunaliella salina and astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis, that did stop the ongoing epidemic of cancer in controlled trials in their chickens, mink, pigs and cows. Dr. Kiriac has since immigrated to Canada and his company, BioNutrition, manufactures two bio-algae concentrate products called BioSuperfood and BioPreparation.

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