The Algae That Makes Petroleum Story

Dr. Timothy Devarenne, AgriLife Research scientist with the Texas A&M University department of biochemistry and biophysics points out, “Oils from the green algae Botryococcus braunii can be readily detected in petroleum deposits and coal deposits suggesting that B. braunii has been a contributor to developing these deposits and may be the major contributor. This means that we are already using these oils to produce gasoline from petroleum.”  He’s implying rather directly that green algae producing hydrocarbon oil as a biofuel production process is nothing new; nature has been doing so for hundreds of millions of years.

Devarenne explains B. braunii is a prime candidate for biofuel production because some races of the green algae typically “accumulate hydrocarbons from to 30 percent to 40 percent of their dry weight, and are capable of obtaining hydrocarbon contents up to 86 percent of their dry weight.”  These are impressive numbers. “As a group, algae may be the only photosynthetic organism capable of producing enough biofuel to meet transportation fuel demands,” he says.

Botryococcus braunii. Click image for more info.


Devarenne is part of a team comprised of other scientists with AgriLife Research, the University of Kentucky and the University of Tokyo trying to understand more about B. braunii, including its genetic sequence and its family history.  The point is, “Without understanding how the cellular machinery of a given algae works on the molecular level, it won’t be possible to improve characteristics such as oil production, faster growth rates or increased photosynthesis,” he says.

B. braunii, like most green algae, is capable of producing great amounts of hydrocarbon oils in a very small land area.  B. braunii algae show particular promise not just because of their high production of oil but also because of the type of oil they produce.. While many high-oil-producing algae create vegetable-type oils, the oil from B. braunii, known as botryococcenes, are similar to petroleum.

Devarenne explains, “The fuels derived from B. braunii hydrocarbons are chemically identical to gasoline, diesel and kerosene. Thus, we do not call them biodiesel or bio-gasoline; they are simply diesel and gasoline. To produce these fuels from B. braunii, the hydrocarbons are processed exactly the same as petroleum is processed and thus generates the exact same fuels. Remember, these B. braunii hydrocarbons are a main constituent of petroleum. So there is no difference other than the millions of years petroleum spent underground.”  He is almost making a new explanation of the formation of fossil fuels – which in this process wouldn’t be “fossil” at all.  Interesting.

B. braunii has a problem – a relatively slow growth rate. While the algae that produce ‘vegetable-type’ oils may double their growth every six to 12 hours, B. braunii’s doubling rate is about four days.  Devarenne says, “Thus, getting large amounts of oil from B. braunii is more time consuming and thus more costly. So, by knowing the genome sequence we can possibly identify genes involved in cell division and manipulate them to reduce the doubling rate.”

Here’s a surprise for you. Despite these characteristics and economic potential of algae, only six species of algae have had their genomes fully sequenced and annotated, Devarenne said. And B. braunii is not one of the six.  I was surprised at such a low number too.  Craig Venter with the Exxon effort must likely be on this as well as others, all with proprietary data.

Another point that may be delaying the genetic work is the nature of the algae.  Devarenne explains, “Genomes with high guanine-cytosine content can be difficult to sequence and knowing the guanine-cytosine content can help to assess the amount of resources needed for genome sequencing,” Guanine-cytosine bonds are one of base pairs composing DNA structure. Adenine-thymine is the other possible base pair.

Devarenne and his colleagues are working the Berkeley strain of the B race of B. braunii, so named because it was first isolated at the University of California at Berkeley. The team has determined the genome size and an estimate of the B race’s guanine-cytosine content, both of which are essential to mapping the full genome, he said. There are also races A and L of B. braunii, but they were not looked at by the team.

The team has determined B. braunii’s genome size to be 166.2 ± 2.2 million base pairs, Devarenne said. In comparison the size of the human genome is about 3.1 billion base pairs. The genome of the house mouse is also about 3 billion base pairs. But the B. braunii genome size is larger than any of the other six previously sequenced green algae genomes.

The actual genome sequencing and mapping will be performed by Department of Energy’s Joint Genome Institute.

“We’ve submitted genomic DNA from B. braunii for the Joint Genome Institute to use in sequencing, but that hasn’t begun yet,” Devarenne said.

Its not new or a secret that B. braunii is an interesting algae.  Rather the news is that now the sophistication and depth of research is getting much further into the field – and it’s a very big field.  Pulling out genomes from algae known to form essentially petroleum oil is quite fascinating. The matter remains to be seen if modification skill can push productivity to comparable levels with vegetable oil producing species.  Then the list of production issues must be solved.

If B. braunii or its close cousins can be modified to get to high production and the other production issues have solutions, the oil supply issue will begin its decent into history.


AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH

Plant and Algae Production Improvement Tools

When using photosynthesis as production system for biomass, raw materials can be obtained while simultaneously sequestering CO2. Our collection of micro-algae is used for the development of new solutions for biomass and compound production as well as CO2 capturing from flue gas. Our primary focus is on the production of storage oil and its bandwidth of fatty acids, enhancing productivity by means of molecular analysis and biotechnology.

Another group of projects focuses on the exploitation of higher plants for the production of improved raw materials, healthy food, and increased biomass. We provide support to plant breeders through the development and implementation of customized selection procedures involving molecular genetic tools. Our small but highly specific in vitro collection of potato hybrids captures powerful and novel disease resistance genes. These genetic resources are explored at the molecular level and transferred to the breeding programs of our commercial partners. Similarly, we explore the molecular genetics of other important plant traits, such as the formation of starch macromolecules (potato) and wood density (spruce) and support our costumers in the implementation of innovative plant selection techniques.


OriginOil Announces Breakthrough Innovation to Increase Algae Yield

OriginOil, Inc. (OOIL), the developer of breakthrough technology to transform algae, the most promising source of renewable oil, into a true competitor to petroleum, today announced Algae Screen™, a process that keeps algae healthy and productive by selectively eliminating microscopic predators without the use of chemicals. The technology employs an electromagnetic pulse, similar to what is used to achieve Live Extraction™. OriginOil will offer Algae Screen and Live Extraction in one integrated offering for growers.

“Much of our technology is based on the same underlying science, so it makes sense to create ‘functionality hubs’ to simplify field operations and create more value for producers,” said OriginOil’s CEO, Riggs Eckelberry. “We see much more integration activity as the algae industry matures.”

The company recently filed for patent protection of the new Algae Screen technology, its twelfth patent application, entitled “Enhancing Algae Growth by Reducing Competing Microorganisms in a Growth Medium.”

“All algae are targets for invasion. Oil-rich algae are particularly attractive to rotifers and other microscopic predators,” said Paul Reep, Senior VP of Technology. “Algae Screen will protect an algae culture continuously from microscopic invaders, such as rotifers, bacteria, and ciliates. An additional unique benefit is that it integrates fully with Live Extraction, since it is based on similar technology.”

Microscopic invaders, such as rotifers, reduce the value of the algae crop by metabolizing valuable oil and biomass. Additionally, invasions can choke off algae growth and reduce the percentage of daily harvest. The problem exists in all types of growth systems, but most acutely in open ponds.

Algae Screen targets invaders with calibrated pulses of low-power electromagnetic energy that leave the algae safe. The pulsing and power levels are adjustable for different algae types and environmental conditions such as water hardness and salinity. Together with Live Extraction, Algae Screen offers a safe and easily manageable resource for algae health and continuous harvesting.

About OriginOil, Inc. (web address:

OriginOil, Inc. is developing a breakthrough technology that will transform algae, the most promising source of renewable oil, into a true competitor to petroleum. Much of the world’s oil and gas is made up of ancient algae deposits. Today, our technology will produce “new oil” from algae, through a cost-effective, high-speed manufacturing process. This endless supply of new oil can be used for many products, such as diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, plastics and solvents, without the global warming effects of petroleum. Other oil-producing feedstock, such as corn and sugarcane, often destroy vital farmlands and rainforests, disrupt global food supplies and create new environmental problems. Our unique technology, based on algae, is targeted at fundamentally changing our source of oil without disrupting the environment or food supplies. To learn more about OriginOil™, please visit our website at

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Matters discussed in this press release contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this press release, the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “may,” “intend,” “expect” and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein, and while expected, there is no guarantee that we will attain the aforementioned anticipated developmental milestones. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. These include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties associated with: the impact of economic, competitive and other factors affecting the Company and its operations, markets, product, and distributor performance, the impact on the national and local economies resulting from terrorist actions, and U.S. actions subsequently; and other factors detailed in reports filed by the Company.


OriginOil announces breakthrough innovation to increase algae yield, Algae Screen technology protects algae from microscopic predators, integrates with Live Extraction


Algae Converted to Butanol


growth is enhanced by delivering high concentrations of carbon dioxide through hollow fiber membranes that look like long strands of spaghetti. The algae are grown on “raceway” troughs. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Arkansas, Fayetteville)

A team of chemical engineers at the University of Arkansas has developed a method for converting common algae into butanol, a renewable fuel that can be used in existing combustible engines.

The green technology benefits from and adds greater value to a process being used now to clean and oxygenate U.S. waterways by removing excess nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizer in runoff.

“We can make cars go,” says Jamie Hestekin, assistant professor and leader of the project. “Our conversion process is efficient and inexpensive. Butanol has many advantages compared to ethanol, but the coolest thing about this process is that we’re actually making rivers and lakes healthier by growing and harvesting the raw material.”

Hestekin and his research team — undergraduates from the Honors College and several graduate students, including a doctoral student who has discovered a more efficient and technologically superior fermentation method — grow algae on “raceways,” which are long troughs — usually two feet wide and ranging from five feet to 80-feet long, depending on the scale of the operation. The troughs are made of screens or carpet, although Hestekin said algae will grow on almost any surface.


Algae survive on nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon dioxide and natural sunlight, so the researchers grow algae by running nitrogen- and phosphorus-rich creek water over the surface of the troughs. They enhance this growth by delivering high concentrations of carbon dioxide through hollow fiber membranes that look like long strands of spaghetti.

Municipal and state governments, primarily on the East Coast, have implemented large-scale processes similar to this to address so-called “dead zones,” where excess nitrogen and phosphorus have killed fish and plants.

The researchers harvest the algae every five to eight days by vacuuming or scraping it off the screens. After waiting for it to dry, they crush and grind the algae into a fine powder as the means to extract carbohydrates from the plant cells. Carbohydrates are made of sugars and starches.

For this project, Hestekin’s team works with starches. They treat the carbohydrates with acid and then heat them to break apart the starches and convert them into simple, natural sugars. They then begin a unique, two-step fermentation process in which organisms turn the sugars into organic acids — butyric, lactic and acetic.

The second stage of the fermentation process focuses on butyric acid and its conversion into butanol. The researchers use a unique process called electrodeionization, a technique developed by one of Hestekin’s doctoral students.

This technique involves the use of a special membrane that rapidly and efficiently separates the acids during the application of electrical charges. By quickly isolating butyric acid, the process increases productivity, which makes the conversion process easier and less expensive.

As Hestekin mentioned, Butanol has several significant advantages over ethanol, the current primary additive in gasoline. Butanol releases more energy per unit mass and can be mixed in higher concentrations than ethanol. It is less corrosive than ethanol and can be shipped through existing pipelines.

These attributes are in addition to the advantages gleaned from butanol’s source. Unlike corn, algae are not in demand by the food industry. Furthermore, it can be grown virtually anywhere and thus does not require large tracts of valuable farmland.

Hestekin’s team is currently working with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection to create biofuel from algae grown at the Rockaway Wastewater Treatment Plant in Queens.

Research articles detailing findings from algae-to-fuel project have been submitted to Biotechnology and Bioengineering and Separation Science and Technology.

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