UK ‘dream team’ begins search for cost-effective algae biofuel

Greenwise Staff
22nd March 2010
A team of UK scientists is to begin work to find a winning formula for cultivating 70 billion litres of algae biofuel by 2030.

The scientists from 11 UK academic institutions have been picked to take part in the Algae Biofuels Challenge, an £8 million fund to develop a commercial market for algae biofuels first launched in October 2008 by the Carbon Trust, the Government agency set up to develop low carbon technologies for the UK.

The 11 institutions will screen thousands of strains of algae to find the right ones that can produce large quantities of carbon neutral fuels. Additional research will develop methods for enabling large-scale production in algae ponds.

“Dream team” of 70 algae scientists

“We have pulled together a dream team of over 70 UK algae scientists who have the expert knowledge to turn algae into a British biofuel success story,” said Tom Delay chief executive of the Carbon Trust. 

“Applying principles this country has developed from its proud agricultural heritage and leading bioscience expertise we will be developing a truly sustainable biofuel that could provide up to 80 per cent carbon savings compared to diesel savings in car and jet fuel. With a market value of over £15 billion the potential rewards are high.”

The move highlights the urgency for the UK to develop carbon neutral fuels if it is to meet its target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.

Transport accounts for one-quarter of the UK’s carbon emissions and is growing at a faster rate than any other sector.

“Global race” to commercialise the use of algae biofuel

The Carbon Trust described the UK research project as being in “a global race” to commercialise the use of algae biofuel as an alternative to fossil-based oil. 

Globally, initial forecasts suggest that algae-based biofuels could replace over 70 billion litres of fossil-derived fuels used annually in road transport and aviation by 2030 – equivalent to 12 per cent of annual global jet fuel consumption or six per cent of road transport diesel. This would equate to an annual carbon saving of over 160 million tonnes of CO2 globally.

Algae can be grown on non-arable land using seawater or wastewater. This is considered to be environmentally, ecologically and socially more desirable than biofuels made from food crops, which have been blamed for rising food prices.

Moreover, if successful, the Carbon Trust says algae could deliver six to 10 times more energy per hectare than conventional cropland biofuels.

But with costs of algae biodiesel currently estimated to be approximately $5-$10 a litre, the focus is now is on finding more cost-effective production methods to ultimately bring the cost down to less than $1 a litre.

Algae ‘ponds’ larger than Wales

The Carbon Trust says production of 70 billion litres of biofuel will require man-made algae ponds equivalent to a landmass larger than Wales to be built in optimum locations across the world. Next year, the Carbon Trust plans to start construction of a pilot demonstration plant in an equatorial region where algae are most productive, and is also looking to investigate possible locations for large-scale plants, which could be, for example, next to industrial facilities located near the sea.

The eleven institutions that will lead the algae biofuel research are the University of Coventry; London Queen Mary; University of Manchester; University of Newcastle; Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML); Scottish Association for Marine Science; University of Sheffield; University of Southampton; University of Swansea (Supported by Bangor University and PML).

They will research five key areas:
• Isolation and screening of algae strains suitable for open pond mass culture
• Maximising solar conversion efficiency in mass culture
• Achieving both high oil content and high productivity in mass culture
• Sustained algae cultivation in open ponds (resistance to competing organisms, predators and diseases)
• Design and engineering of cost effective mass culture systems

Commenting on the project, Transport Minister, Sadiq Khan, said: “This project demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that second generation biofuels are truly sustainable – and to show the potential from microalgae to be refined for use in renewable transport fuel development, to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.”


Discover the radiation protective benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella


Protecting yourself in the event of a serious radiation event involves much more than simply loading up on potassium iodide and various other iodine supplements. While high levels of iodine do protect the thyroid and glandular systems from radiation poisoning, they do not necessarily protect the rest of your body from the devastating and deadly effects of nuclear radiation. However, two amazing superfoods — Spirulina and Chlorella — offer substantiated protection against harmful radiation. They also help to detoxify the body of harmful radiation after exposure, effectively protecting organs and other areas not protected by iodine.

Spirulina, the incredible medical food used to treat child victims of Chernobyl

The numerous curative and health-promoting properties of Spirulina are truly amazing. This blue-green algae superfood is rich in vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and antioxidants, all of which make it highly beneficial as an anti-aging, anti-cancer, and super-detoxifying miracle food (…).

But little known is the incredible radioprotective power of Spirulina. Numerous studies have found that Spirulina protects the body against — and even heals it from — the damaging effects of harmful radiation.

A 1989 study put forth by researchers from Zhongkai Agriculture and Technology College in China found in tests that Spirulina significantly reduces the gamma radiation-induced micronucleus frequencies in the bone marrow of affected mice. Bone marrow, of course, is responsible for producing new blood cells and maintaining the lymphatic system (…).

A 1993 report published by the Research Institute of Radiation Medicine in Belarus confirmed previous research conducted in 1990-91 which found that Spirulina effectively decreases the radioactive load received by the body when consuming radiation-contaminated food. After just 20 days, children fed five-gram doses of Spirulina every day experienced an average 50 percent reduction in urine radioactivity levels (…).

In a study released by Mechnikov Odessa State University in Ukraine in 2000, Spirulina proved effective at increasing phosphate, pyruvate, and antioxidant levels in rats with lesions caused by 5 gray units (Gy) of high-energy radiation. Full-body exposure to 5 Gy or more typically leads to death within 14 days, but Spirulina helped to prevent this (…).

A 2001 study conducted by researchers from the Medical and Pharmaceutical Academe of Yangzhou University in China found that Spirulina extracts effectively protect against both the damage caused by chemotherapy drugs and the damaging effects of gamma radiation exposure (…).

Those negatively affected by high levels of radiation after working on cleanup efforts following the 1986 Chernobyl disaster experienced improvements in the autoregulatory functionality of their bodily organs and other systems, as well as long-term remission from overall radiation damage, after being treated with a regimen that included Spirulina (…).

Spirulina works so well at mitigating the damage caused by radiation that it was actually awarded a Russian patent in 1995 for improving the immunity of children affected by radiation from the Chernobyl disaster. Many exposed children became stricken with chronic radiation sickness and elevated Immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels, and they also tested positive for high allergy sensitivity. But upon consuming roughly five milligrams (mg) of Spirulina a day for 45 days, the children’s IgE levels and allergic sensitivities were restored back to normal.

Conclusively, Spirulina offers remarkable radioprotective benefits in addition to its many other health-promoting benefits. Regular consumption of Spirulina not only helps to boost immune function and normalize the systems in the body that regulate and maintain overall health, but the superfood also offers a surefire way to mitigate the damaging effects of harmful radiation (…).

Chlorella, the detoxifying superfood with amazing radioprotective benefits

Much like Spirulina, Chlorella is loaded with an astounding array vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help detoxify the body of heavy metals and other contaminants. The single-cell algae also helps to prevent and repair DNA damage, balance the body’s pH levels, fight inflammation, improve digestive health, and boost immune function (…).

And as far as harmful radiation is concerned, Chlorella is a powerful weapon to both prevent radioactive damage and heal it once it has occurred.

A 1989 study put forth by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences demonstrated that Chlorella effectively increases production of bone marrow and spleen stem cells. And in tests, Chlorella greatly helped improve survival rates among mice irradiated with a lethal dose of radioactive gamma rays (…).

In 1993, researchers from Jawaharlal Nehru University in India also found that Chlorella is effective at protecting against and mitigating the damage caused by both acute and chronic radioactive damage (…).

A 1995 study published in the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology found that when administered before or upon exposure to sub-lethal radioactive gamma rays, Chlorella helps to boost levels of colony-forming spleen cells. Such cells exist within the bone marrow and are essential for the production of vital blood elements and immune factors (…).

Ultimately, the incredible detoxifying power of Chlorella is not limited to toxins like mercury, aluminum, and fluoride. Just like it does to toxic heavy metals, Chlorella binds to radioactive particles and literally flushes them out of the body. In complete synergy with its many other health-promoting functions, Chlorella is a vital superfood nutrient that numerous scientific studies have proven helps to guard the body against radioactive damage (…).

Both Spirulina and Chlorella are absolutely essential weapons in any natural radioprotective arsenal. Together, these powerful sea-based nutrients help to rid the body of radiation and the many other toxins that cause both acute and chronic damage to the body.

Algal antifreeze makes inroads into ice

Sea-ice algae — the important first rung of the food web each spring in places like the Arctic Ocean — can engineer ice to its advantage, according to the first published findings about this ability.

The same gel-like mucus secreted by sea-ice algae as a kind of antifreeze against temperatures well below minus 10 C is also allowing algae to sculpt microscopic channels and pores in ice that are hospitable to itself and other microorganisms.

Altering ice to their benefit should help sea-ice algae adapt to a warming world, which is good news for hungry fish and shellfish farther up the food web, but what it means for the integrity of the ice itself raises unanswered questions according to Jody Deming, University of Washington professor of oceanography and co-author of a paper appearing in the March 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Ice riddled with more channels and pores will be weaker, yet such openings plugged with algal secretions actually hold more salty water and thus may slow melting in the spring and summer, she says. Scientists have yet to determine if the two processes cancel each other or if one will dominate, say Deming and co-authors Christopher Krembs, Washington State Department of Ecology, and Hajo Eicken, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Sea ice is home to microscopic plants and animals, bacteria and viruses that stay alive in brine-filled openings in the ice. The gel-like mucus secreted by ice algae and other microorganisms, called extracellular polysaccharide substances, consists of complex sugar compounds. The mucus depresses the freezing point and keeps pore spaces in ice filled with at least some liquid.

The researchers focused on the algae that dominate the sea-ice biota across the Arctic each spring and in particular the variety Melosira arctica. Individually, Melosira arctica are about 50 micrometers long, or the width of a strand of human hair. Joined together, however, they form filaments that are meters long. Under-ice divers witness great forests of the algae hanging underwater from the sea ice each spring, Deming says.

Once considered minor contributors to the food web, sea-ice algae are gaining respect, Deming says. They bloom first in the spring and are responsible for nearly 60 percent of the primary production in ice-covered water at that time of year. As ice melts, creating open water, other microorganisms come to dominate primary production but Melosira arctica and brethren get credit for kick-starting the growing season.

Faced with a warming world, some scientists speculate that the importance of sea-ice algae, even in the spring, will diminish.

That may not be the case according to the new findings. In lab work, for instance, Deming and her co-authors found mucus from ice algae increased ice salinity by up to 59 percent and increased the number and complexity of channels. That means more places in the ice for algae to live where they can receive sunlight and avoid being eaten. The channels also retain more iron, nutrients and carbon dioxide needed for algal growth.

“Sea-ice primary productivity is expected to increase in a warming climate until the nutrient supply from below becomes limiting,” the PNAS paper says. The work was funded by the National Science Foundation.

For more information:

Deming, 206-543-0845,


PNAS abstract

Deming website

Eicken website

Sea ice background


Algae for the Grid? Dow and Solazyme Say Yes

Oil is oil, say the companies. Also, Monsanto invests in rival Sapphire.

Algae for the Grid? Dow and Solazyme Say Yes

The march of algae beyond the swamp continued today as Dow Chemical and Solazyme announced a joint venture to use algae to develop insulating fluids for transformers and other electrical equipment.

Under the deal, Dow may obtain up to 20 million gallons of oil from Solazyme in 2013 and 60 million in 2015. Today, 500 million gallons of dielectric fluid get sold every year — and that doesn’t even include the Christmas rush.

Algae oil is oil, after all. The North Sea oil deposits are the results of prehistorical algal blooms. Unlike most other algae companies, Solazyme does not grow algae through photosynthesis. It has created genetically modified microbes that feed on sugar in large fermenting kettles. When they get fat, Solazyme squishes them to extract the oil. Although sugar adds costs, Solazyme does not have to extract algae from water to extract the oil, an arduous, expensive process that photosynthesis companies face.

Despite the whining from some critics about the sugar part of the equation, Solazyme has actually produced far more algae fuel than its competitors. Last year, the U.S. Navy ordered 150,000 gallons of algae-based jet fuel from Solazyme after a 20,000-gallon trial.

The company was also one of the first to expand from producing fuel to making food additives, chemicals and cosmetics. Those markets, although smaller, are easier to enter. Solazyme is expected to file preliminary paperwork for an IPO soon.

DuPont, 3M and other large chemical/materials companies have been actively signing joint ventures and investing in green technology startups, but Dow is arguably more active than most. Today, stealthy solar startup Alta Devices said Dow is an investor. Dow has also put money into NuvoSun, making equipment for the CIGS industry, and is working on materials for car batteries, solar shingles, and water purification systems.

Meanwhile, Monsanto yesterday invested in Solazyme rival Sapphire Energy, which wants to grow genetically modified algae in open ponds via photosynthesis. Scientifically, that’s no easy feat, but if they can pull it off it could lead to relatively inexpensive algae oil.  Back in November, Sapphire told us the company would be able to show what it can accomplish with its process in about 18 months.

Here’s an award-winning video on Solazyme’s process…. ( Visit Source )
