The Algae Shop

Here at the Algae Shop we use Photo Bioreactors to produce our algae. We have developed a cheap yet efficient method to produce our algae exactly how we want it.Through our experience we have created the perfect living and growing conditions for each strain of algae we produce.

With the uncertain years ahead in the fossil fuel industry, algae is the one promising safe and efficient alternative source of energy we can depend on.

Algae uses photosynthesis to grow which means it eats CO2 from our atmosphere to stay alive. This will potentially prevent more CO2 from entering our atmosphere with the use of normal fossil fuels.
Out of all possible biofuels, algae will have the highest yield of oil giving it the greatest potential for large scale commercial biofuel production.

With a little more research and help from people like you, we can continue to develop these methods of algae production and oil extraction to be cheaper and easier for both home use or commercial production. We need your help to spread the word about this biofuel of the future!


Algae Competition

Objectives: Create an open source collaboratory that expands and shares a vision for algae in our future with design ideas for algae production landscapes, sustainable algae production systems for food, medicines, feed, energy, nutrients, water remediation, carbon capture, and superb new algae foods.

The Algae Competition is open to everyone, anywhere in the world: algae enthusiasts, architects, builders, designers, scientists, entrepreneurs, growers, food developers, cooks, students and teams.

Registration opens January 11, closes September 11, 2011. All contestants must register. Submission opens February 11, closes October 11, 2011. Entries will be judged by distinguished panels of international jurors. Finalists will be announced February 12, 2012.

As an open source competition, entries will be showcased online. Over $10,000 in cash prizes will be awarded to winners. Finalists will receive international media recognition and will be included in books, publications and exhibitions to be held around the world in 2012.


Welcome to A.I.M. (, the online trade publication addressing the growth and development of the algae biofuels and co-products industry:

• its influential personalities
• developing technologies
• evolving businesses
• breakthrough products
• important news and timely information

A.I.M. is a meeting place for observations, ideas, news and information about the community of algae production specialists. Our focus is for A.I.M. not only to serve the trade, but to function as a door into this industry for those becoming involved in a sustainable energy future.

Nothing will explain this more than the site itself, and we look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions, after all A.I.M. is for you and about you. Your input is the key to our continued development and expansion.

Please send us your news and press releases, as well as your new product announcements. And please forward this to any of your friends and contacts who you think would enjoy seeing what’s going on here. Please stay in touch:


Advertising or (951) 252-3917

Other issues

Thanks for your support

William Laski & David Schwartz, Publishers

Linda Gough, Creative Director

A.I.M. Science and Industry Advisory Board
Dr. Mark Edwards, Board Chair, Professor, Arizona State U.
Charles Bensinger, SFCC Biofuels Program Director
Dr. Russell Chapman, Executive Director, CMBC, Scripps Institution
Ben Cloud, CEO, Phyco BioSciences
Dr. Keith Cooksey, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Montana State University
Dr. Brian Goodall, CTO, OriginOil
Robert Henrikson, Former-CEO Earthrise
Alina Kulikowski-Tan, VP, Carbon Capture Corporation
Dr. Ira Levine, Associate Professor, U. of S. Maine
Jim Sears, CTO, Algae@Work
