Power station algae to fuel jets

The Hunter’s power stations could play a role in the future production of biofuels for Australia’s airline industry.

A report produced by the CSIRO’s Energy facility in Newcastle claims algae, forest waste, crop residues or urban waste, could all be used to make jet biofuels.

It says greenhouse emissions could be cut by 17 per cent and it could reduce Australia’s reliance on aviation fuel imports by $2 billion dollars a year.

Manager of Carbon Futures, Paul Graham says if fuels can be developed from algae, then power stations are an ideal source.

“The exciting think about algae is that it doesn’t need particularly clean water and there’s a fairly wide temperature that acceptable for the water as well,” he said.

“They need to be located near a concentrated source of carbon dioxide so that’s something that could be located in the Hunter valley where we’ve got a high concentration of power stations.”

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/05/26/3227347.htm

UK ‘dream team’ begins search for cost-effective algae biofuel

Greenwise Staff
22nd March 2010
A team of UK scientists is to begin work to find a winning formula for cultivating 70 billion litres of algae biofuel by 2030.

The scientists from 11 UK academic institutions have been picked to take part in the Algae Biofuels Challenge, an £8 million fund to develop a commercial market for algae biofuels first launched in October 2008 by the Carbon Trust, the Government agency set up to develop low carbon technologies for the UK.

The 11 institutions will screen thousands of strains of algae to find the right ones that can produce large quantities of carbon neutral fuels. Additional research will develop methods for enabling large-scale production in algae ponds.

“Dream team” of 70 algae scientists

“We have pulled together a dream team of over 70 UK algae scientists who have the expert knowledge to turn algae into a British biofuel success story,” said Tom Delay chief executive of the Carbon Trust. 

“Applying principles this country has developed from its proud agricultural heritage and leading bioscience expertise we will be developing a truly sustainable biofuel that could provide up to 80 per cent carbon savings compared to diesel savings in car and jet fuel. With a market value of over £15 billion the potential rewards are high.”

The move highlights the urgency for the UK to develop carbon neutral fuels if it is to meet its target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.

Transport accounts for one-quarter of the UK’s carbon emissions and is growing at a faster rate than any other sector.

“Global race” to commercialise the use of algae biofuel

The Carbon Trust described the UK research project as being in “a global race” to commercialise the use of algae biofuel as an alternative to fossil-based oil. 

Globally, initial forecasts suggest that algae-based biofuels could replace over 70 billion litres of fossil-derived fuels used annually in road transport and aviation by 2030 – equivalent to 12 per cent of annual global jet fuel consumption or six per cent of road transport diesel. This would equate to an annual carbon saving of over 160 million tonnes of CO2 globally.

Algae can be grown on non-arable land using seawater or wastewater. This is considered to be environmentally, ecologically and socially more desirable than biofuels made from food crops, which have been blamed for rising food prices.

Moreover, if successful, the Carbon Trust says algae could deliver six to 10 times more energy per hectare than conventional cropland biofuels.

But with costs of algae biodiesel currently estimated to be approximately $5-$10 a litre, the focus is now is on finding more cost-effective production methods to ultimately bring the cost down to less than $1 a litre.

Algae ‘ponds’ larger than Wales

The Carbon Trust says production of 70 billion litres of biofuel will require man-made algae ponds equivalent to a landmass larger than Wales to be built in optimum locations across the world. Next year, the Carbon Trust plans to start construction of a pilot demonstration plant in an equatorial region where algae are most productive, and is also looking to investigate possible locations for large-scale plants, which could be, for example, next to industrial facilities located near the sea.

The eleven institutions that will lead the algae biofuel research are the University of Coventry; London Queen Mary; University of Manchester; University of Newcastle; Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML); Scottish Association for Marine Science; University of Sheffield; University of Southampton; University of Swansea (Supported by Bangor University and PML).

They will research five key areas:
• Isolation and screening of algae strains suitable for open pond mass culture
• Maximising solar conversion efficiency in mass culture
• Achieving both high oil content and high productivity in mass culture
• Sustained algae cultivation in open ponds (resistance to competing organisms, predators and diseases)
• Design and engineering of cost effective mass culture systems

Commenting on the project, Transport Minister, Sadiq Khan, said: “This project demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that second generation biofuels are truly sustainable – and to show the potential from microalgae to be refined for use in renewable transport fuel development, to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.”

Source: http://www.greenwisebusiness.co.uk/news/uk-dream-team-begins-search-for-costeffective-algae-biofuel-1234.aspx

Solution Recovery Services

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The SRS Algae Extraction Program began in 2007, including the development of both the existing bench scale extraction unit and the continuous batch processing facility. This program was a natural for SRS, which began in 1995 to develop technologies to purify and reclaim industrial fluids. This technology and service organization has grown to more than 160 employees and $60 million in sales (2008). SRS combines a management team composed of knowledgeable industry leaders, an experienced staff, modern research facilities, and diverse ongoing service and equipment operations in a well organized company with the experience to take this emerging technology from the bench to full market penetration.

Skid Mounted Oil Extraction Module

Our History

In 1996, a young environmental engineer was working at a compressor plant in southeast Michigan. Week after week, he authorized the disposal of thousands of gallons of used metalworking fluid.

He quickly realized that if the contaminants were removed, much of the fluid could be reused. To his frustration, there were no companies offering the industrial fluid purification service that he envisioned. The young engineer researched the disposal situation at the local library. He found that the compressor plant he worked at was not the only plant disposing of used coolant in this way. With the help of a mentor in the centrifuge industry, he purchased a centrifuge and started modifying it for optimal coolant purification.

That young engineer was Tom Czartoski. He eventually quit his job at the compressor plant to follow his idea of “a better way” of handling used coolant. And thus it was that SRS was born.

Image Montage

SRS Today

Today SRS has 165 employees which manage over 2.1 million gallons of fluids every day at client sites. SRS owns and operates over 300 separation modules at client sites, these modules include centrifugation, ultrafiltration and fractional distillation systems. With three operations facilities and a fleet of 45 trucks, SRS is well equipped to service client needs.

SRS has broad capabilities in development new processes to solve difficult separation problems. The development capabilities is complimented by resources to design, engineer, and install turnkey installations at client sites. These capabilities have allowed SRS to partner with several Fortune 50 companies in providing technology and services for industries including chemical, automotive, pulp & paper, and biofuels.

SRS aggressively entered the biofuels sector with a focus on providing separations technologies for oil-ethanol, biodiesel and oil-algae systems. As part of this effort, SRS outfitted both its lab and mobile pilot skid with a broad range of pretreatment technologies to enhance the ability to maximize recovery of oils from ethanol stillage and algae. SRS has developed systems which offers cost effective recovery of corn oil from thin stillage, and fractionation of algae into the valued lipid, protein and carbohydrate fractions. SRS has the infrastructure to deliver these turnkey installations and provide a wide range of support services.

From a small, two-man shop outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to United Solutions Incorporated (USI); a international, multi-location, waste management services, resource management services, fluid purification, onsite management services and alternative fuels company. The one ideal has remained constant, the USI team of professionals remain committed to a better method of managing today’s resources.

Source: http://www.solutionrecovery.com/algae/contact_us.html