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The SRS Algae Extraction Program began in 2007, including the development of both the existing bench scale extraction unit and the continuous batch processing facility. This program was a natural for SRS, which began in 1995 to develop technologies to purify and reclaim industrial fluids. This technology and service organization has grown to more than 160 employees and $60 million in sales (2008). SRS combines a management team composed of knowledgeable industry leaders, an experienced staff, modern research facilities, and diverse ongoing service and equipment operations in a well organized company with the experience to take this emerging technology from the bench to full market penetration.

Skid Mounted Oil Extraction Module

Our History

In 1996, a young environmental engineer was working at a compressor plant in southeast Michigan. Week after week, he authorized the disposal of thousands of gallons of used metalworking fluid.

He quickly realized that if the contaminants were removed, much of the fluid could be reused. To his frustration, there were no companies offering the industrial fluid purification service that he envisioned. The young engineer researched the disposal situation at the local library. He found that the compressor plant he worked at was not the only plant disposing of used coolant in this way. With the help of a mentor in the centrifuge industry, he purchased a centrifuge and started modifying it for optimal coolant purification.

That young engineer was Tom Czartoski. He eventually quit his job at the compressor plant to follow his idea of “a better way” of handling used coolant. And thus it was that SRS was born.

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SRS Today

Today SRS has 165 employees which manage over 2.1 million gallons of fluids every day at client sites. SRS owns and operates over 300 separation modules at client sites, these modules include centrifugation, ultrafiltration and fractional distillation systems. With three operations facilities and a fleet of 45 trucks, SRS is well equipped to service client needs.

SRS has broad capabilities in development new processes to solve difficult separation problems. The development capabilities is complimented by resources to design, engineer, and install turnkey installations at client sites. These capabilities have allowed SRS to partner with several Fortune 50 companies in providing technology and services for industries including chemical, automotive, pulp & paper, and biofuels.

SRS aggressively entered the biofuels sector with a focus on providing separations technologies for oil-ethanol, biodiesel and oil-algae systems. As part of this effort, SRS outfitted both its lab and mobile pilot skid with a broad range of pretreatment technologies to enhance the ability to maximize recovery of oils from ethanol stillage and algae. SRS has developed systems which offers cost effective recovery of corn oil from thin stillage, and fractionation of algae into the valued lipid, protein and carbohydrate fractions. SRS has the infrastructure to deliver these turnkey installations and provide a wide range of support services.

From a small, two-man shop outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to United Solutions Incorporated (USI); a international, multi-location, waste management services, resource management services, fluid purification, onsite management services and alternative fuels company. The one ideal has remained constant, the USI team of professionals remain committed to a better method of managing today’s resources.


OriginOil Inc.

OriginOil, Inc. is developing a breakthrough technology that will transform algae, the most promising source of renewable oil, into a true competitor to petroleum. Much of the world’s oil and gas is made up of ancient algae deposits. Today, our technology will produce “new oil” from algae, through a cost-effective, high-speed manufacturing process. This endless supply of new oil can be used for many products such as diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, plastics and solvents without the global warming effects of petroleum. Other oil-producing feedstock such as corn and sugarcane often destroy vital farmlands and rainforests, disrupt global food supplies and create new environmental problems. Our unique technology, based on algae, is targeted at fundamentally changing our source of oil without disrupting the environment or food supplies. Instead of drilling for old oil, we can now manufacture clean, new oil, anytime and anywhere, delivering a revolutionary breakthrough to the world.
