Texas A&M cultivates algae app

So, now there’s even an app for planning your algae oil production.

The Agricultural and Food Policy Center at Texas A&M has a free “Algae Production Conversion Calculator” to help with producing algae crops. The app is free via the iTunes app store. There is also a Web-based version that can be used on Android and other devices.

The app converts between grams per liter and grams per square meter. It also calculates the annual algae oil production possible for a given farm or site based on data that includes pond volume per acre feet, microalgae oil content, growth rate, and pond depth. The result is given in both a volumetric measure in algae oil gallon per acre-foot of water and an aerial measure algae oil gallon per surface acre.

Texas A&M also has a support page for app users.

The app seems to have had a soft launch in December 2010, according to its iTunes app statistics. However, the app was just endorsed by the nonprofit Algal Biomass Organization in its June 1 newsletter. The app is also currently featured on Texas A&M’s Agricultural and Food Policy Center homepage.

Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-20068245-54/texas-a-m-cultivates-algae-app/