EABA – European Algae Biomass Association

Algae and aquatic biomass have the potential to contribute to outstanding progresses towards a world-wide sustainable and low impact economy in developing a new range of third generation applications as bioenergy, biofuels (including jet fuels), animal feeding-stuff, all sort of bio-based products (such as bio-plastics, bio-cosmetics, bio-solvents, etc.) and also human nutrition.

Their high oil and biomass yields, widespread availability, absent (or very reduced) competition with agricultural land, high quality and versatility of the by-products, high protein content, their efficient use as a mean to capture CO2 and their suitability for wastewater treatments and other industrial plants make algae and aquatic biomass one of the most promising and attractive renewable sources for a fully sustainable and low-carbon economy portfolio.

Source: http://www.solutionrecovery.com/algae/