Algae Biotech

Algae Biotech is a company founded in 2008 with the head office in Spain and a branch office in the Netherlands. Algae Biotech’s core business started with the idea of replacing the highly unsustainable food grade fish oil with sustainably grown and processed food grade algae oil. This way, we would offer consumers of fish oil healthier and more sustainably produced omega-3 food products and supplements containing EPA fatty acid obtained from microalgae.

The growing of the algae, as well as the process technologies involved have been developed by sister company CleanAlgae and parent company FeyeCon B.V. respectively

Algae Biotech SL’s major shareholder is a Dutch company called FeyeCon B.V., which specializes in the application of scientific and carbon dioxide technology. FeyeCon employees over 40 people from a mainly scientific background, many of which supply knowledge and expertise to Algae Biotech SL and its associated companies.

FeyeCon DI Logo

Algae Biotech SL has a sister company, CleanAlgae SL, which focuses on the growing of algae. At this moment, CleanAlgae SL is developing its main growing operations in Gran Canaria, with its initial pilot algae growing facility on an area of 2500 square meters being located in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. CleanAlgae plans to be a substantial grower of micro-algae in the near future.

CleanAlgae S.L. logo

The Cawthron Institute Culture Collection of Micro-Algae (CICCM)

The Cawthron Institute Culture Collection of Micro-Algae is a nationally significant living collection which contains nine classes of micro-algae. Several species are unique to New Zealand or have properties not found in overseas isolates;

1. The collection is the only one of its kind in New Zealand, and highly ranked in the Asia-Pacific region, where it is a member of the Asia Oceania Algae Collection network.
2. The collection underpins many of Cawthron’s research programmes and is also crucial to understanding harmful algae blooms (HABs) identified as a major risk to the shellfish industry. Many strains are now backed up by cyropreservation.
3. The collection supports identification of algae in routine water samples giving industry and public health regulators advance warning of HABs. This has recently been extended to include fresh water bodies that may be contaminated by cyanobacteria.
4. Many of the micro-algae marine biotoxins that have been mass produced for the development of reference standards for regulatory authorities. Examples of the toxins produced by micro-algae in the collection include neurotoxins and diarrhetic toxics such as: 

– saxitoxin
– domoic acid
– palytoxin
– okadaic acid

5. The collection houses micro-algae with the capability to produce valuable bioactive compounds and some of these have only been identified and isolated from New Zealand waters. Pharmaceutical, nutriceutical and agricultural/horticultural uses of these compounds are being investigated.

The micro-algae may be purchased via the Cawthron Collection Curator ( Krystyna Ponikla)

Collection catalogue [PDF 538kb]


AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH

Plant and Algae Production Improvement Tools

When using photosynthesis as production system for biomass, raw materials can be obtained while simultaneously sequestering CO2. Our collection of micro-algae is used for the development of new solutions for biomass and compound production as well as CO2 capturing from flue gas. Our primary focus is on the production of storage oil and its bandwidth of fatty acids, enhancing productivity by means of molecular analysis and biotechnology.

Another group of projects focuses on the exploitation of higher plants for the production of improved raw materials, healthy food, and increased biomass. We provide support to plant breeders through the development and implementation of customized selection procedures involving molecular genetic tools. Our small but highly specific in vitro collection of potato hybrids captures powerful and novel disease resistance genes. These genetic resources are explored at the molecular level and transferred to the breeding programs of our commercial partners. Similarly, we explore the molecular genetics of other important plant traits, such as the formation of starch macromolecules (potato) and wood density (spruce) and support our costumers in the implementation of innovative plant selection techniques.
