Canadian Center for the Culture of Microorganisms

The Canadian Center for the Culture of Microorganisms (CCCM) maintains living specimens of marine phytoplankton, freshwater microalgae and fungal isolates for research, teaching and commercial use.  

We are a non-profit facility supported by the Department of Botany at the University of British Columbia. Our facility arose from the amalgamation of three living collections.



Centric Diatom - Valve view The North East Pacific Culture Collection (NEPCC) is a living collection of marine microalgae containing several hundred isolates with representatives from all of the major algal groups. 

> Browse the NEPCC Catalog

> Ordering Cultures [Prices, Shipping, Conditions]

> Culturing Information [Medium recipes, Culturing tips]

> History of the NEPCC

Oscillatoria filaments The Freshwater Algal Culture Collection (FWAC) consists of approximately 60 unialgal cultures, largely Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Euglenophyceae and Chrysophyceae.  

> Browse the Freshwater Algal Culture Collection Catalog

> Ordering Cultures [Prices, Shipping, Conditions]

> Culturing Information [Medium recipes, Culturing tips]

> History of the Freshwater Algal Collection


Mushroom Gills The Fungal Collection of Dr. Robert Bandoni, Emeritus Professor of Botany at UBC, contains hundreds of strains of fungi and yeast, many of which are unique to the CCCM. 

An online version of the Fungal Collection Catalog is not available at this time. Fungal strains are available, however. Please contact the CCCM Curator for further information.

