Can the algae industry create jobs?

A small photobioreactor is the key to realizing the potential of microalgae to impact transportation fuel industries, feedstock supplies, health food markets, pharmaceuticals, water treatments and the global climate, creating an industry with fresh job opportunities for Americans.

San Diego, California – September 13, 2011 – “If you build it, they will come”, the famous quote from Field of Dreams, is very true today. If you have algal biomass, the algae industry will come. The algae industry has been in the research and development stage for many years but the problem of high costs has been stopping the production of algal biomass and the development of algal products.

QIZHONG LABS, a private company (, has found an alternative solution to the problem. It has invented and manufactured small photo-bioreactors, named Alga Proliferators (AP), which is the ideal tool to cultivate microalgae at home and in offices, and can be operated by any of the three hundred million citizens in the country. QIZHONG LABS can also help AP users select microalgae with different characteristics such as different color, growth rate, lipid, protein, and fatty acid content, and antioxidant and hydrogen production. Depending on the microalgae strain cultured, the homegrown algal biomass could be used for biodiesel production, animal feed, purifying high value algal products, and producing biogas. In addition, when clean energy, such as that from solar panels, or the energy saved from switching to fluorescent or LED bulbs, is used to grow microalgae in an AP, there is a net carbon dioxide reduction which helps the environment. The users of APs can remove a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and, at the same time, make a steady supply of algal biomass for industrial applications which could be the right switch to turn on the algae industry, thus helping the environment, reducing dependency on fossil fuels, providing new job opportunities to millions and stimulating the economy just like computers and the internet revolution did.

To prepare the algae industry, QIZHONG LABS urges politicians to pass legislation to reward AP users with incentives such as tax rebates and credit, and urges citizens and businesses, such as shopping malls, hotels and airports, to take action in using AP at home, in offices and any open spaces. QIZHONG LABS hopes that its calls will result in action from people to produce tons of algal biomass every day. Again, “if you have algal biomass, algae industry will come”, the algae industry will be created to use the algal biomass to manufacture algal products including biofuels, food ingredients, pharmaceuticals, and fertilizers, and to provide new job opportunities for the country.

QIZHONG LABS is a private company based in San Diego, California. The company’s mission is to manufacture, promote and market environmentally-friendly products to reduce global warming or minimize the damage caused by global warming. Helping and encouraging algae cultivation at home and in offices is one of their proposed actions to reduce global warming.

If you would like more information about this news, or to schedule an interview with Dr. Qi Zhong, please call (858) 587-6733 or send an e-mail to