Microbial Culture Collection ( NIES )

Culture strains of cyanobacteria, eukaryotic microalgae, protozoa and endangered algae are maintained in the Microbial Culture Collection at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES Collection).
These strains are available for educational, research and developmental purposes.

NIES Collection accepts the deposition of strains, which are important for environmental as well as basic and applied researches.


National Institute for Environmental Studies
16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, JAPAN
Phone : +81-29-850-2556

Fax : +81-29-850-2587

Source: http://mcc.nies.go.jp/localeAction.do?lang=en

Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa ( UK )

CCAP currently maintains over 2500 strains of algae and protozoa, comprising:
• a wide range of microalgal taxa, including the cyanobacteria
• small thalloid red algae
• a range of small multicellular seaweeds, including over 300 strains of Ectocarpus
• free-living non-pathogenic protozoa
• a small number of ACDP Class II, potentially pathogenic protozoa (all Acanthamoeba spp.)

Strains are primarily maintained by serial sub-culture although about 30% of the algal strains and 2% of the protozoan strains are cryopreserved. In order to maintain genetic stability most effectively, research is continuing to develop protocols to increase the number and diversity of cryopreserved strains throughout the Collection.

All cultures are freshly prepared to order, so when ordering please allow sufficient time for the cultures to be grown. For orders of one culture of each strain, 4 weeks is usually sufficient, but please allow extra time for multiple cultures of each strain, or for strains which are held at CCAP only under cryopreservation (as indicated in the strain data).

Source: http://www.ccap.ac.uk/cultures/cultures.htm