The Algae Shop

Here at the Algae Shop we use Photo Bioreactors to produce our algae. We have developed a cheap yet efficient method to produce our algae exactly how we want it.Through our experience we have created the perfect living and growing conditions for each strain of algae we produce.

With the uncertain years ahead in the fossil fuel industry, algae is the one promising safe and efficient alternative source of energy we can depend on.

Algae uses photosynthesis to grow which means it eats CO2 from our atmosphere to stay alive. This will potentially prevent more CO2 from entering our atmosphere with the use of normal fossil fuels.
Out of all possible biofuels, algae will have the highest yield of oil giving it the greatest potential for large scale commercial biofuel production.

With a little more research and help from people like you, we can continue to develop these methods of algae production and oil extraction to be cheaper and easier for both home use or commercial production. We need your help to spread the word about this biofuel of the future!
